Giambattista Bodoni

Image result for Giambattista Bodoni

Giambattista Bodoni was an Italian Graphic Designer and Typographer. He was born on February 16, 1740 in Saluzzo, Piedmont, Italy, and died November 29, 1813. He was the son of a printer, so it is safe to say that the skills and talent was already in his genes. He designed several modern typefaces, including one that was named after him (Bodoni).

In his earlier years, he worked as an apprentice in the Roman Catholic’s Propaganda Fide printing house. Due to his high level of skills, he was then able to produce his first book, that was based on the Tibetan alphabet, Coptic Missal.

Bodoni designed many typefaces, each one in a large range of type sizes. A characteristic that his letter type has is that it is of a severe simplicity. He became an admirer of the more modeled types of John Baskerville. Both he and Firmin Didot (a French printer, engraver and type founder) designed a style of type called ‘Modern’, where the letters are cut to emphasise contrast between the thick and thin elements of their bodies. Similarly to Baskerville, Bodoni sets off his texts with wide margins, and uses little or no illustrations or decorations.

In Graphic Design, fonts play a major role in the development of an artwork. Different types of fonts are used for different types of messages. This is so because the artist wants to convey the message in a way that is not misleading. The works of Giambattista Bodini played a good role, where Graphic Design and typography is concerned. Since Bodini is a modern serif style, it is mostly used today in headings, display uses and magazine printing. In Europe, Bodoni is mostly used in the body of texts. With the right font size and spacing, the use of Bodini usually gives a professional finished look.

Examples of the Bodoni typeface:

Image result for bodoni typeface
Image result for bodoni typeface

Links that aided in the research:

Giambattista Bodoni

Published by Kalaycia Coleman

Art student. Illustration major

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